JANUARY 05, 2018

Chatbots are popping up everywhere you look. They are programs that sometimes use Artificial Intelligence to mimic conversations with people. This means that when you send a message out to companies that use chatbots, you get automated responses based on the things you ask.
Probably the most famous chatbot right now is Apple’s Siri - though she works a bit differently. But this month, we are launching our very own chatbot.
Starting January 2018, you will be able to interact with’s newest sidekick - a chatbot designed to be YOUR sidekick to help you find that perfect job for this new year. It’s simple to use and can help you quickly find and apply for jobs.

What The Recruitday Chatbot Can Do For You
The Chatbot is here to make finding and applying for jobs easier for you. All you need to do is visit our Facebook Page and hit Send Message. The Chatbot will then prompt you to “Get Started” and you can begin chatting your way through creating a Jobseeker Profile, finding a job, and applying to your selected job - all directly through Facebook Messenger.
Right now, you can use the Chatbot to find jobs and check the status of your application.
Find Jobs
Using social media to find a job has become a very common thing these days, but chatbots in the job search process is still new. When you begin interacting with the Chatbot, it will ask you what you want to do. The first feature is to Find Jobs. You can search for a job by typing in a specific company, a job title, or even a skill.
The Chatbot will show you the different jobs available depending on your search. Then, you can either view the details of that opening or apply. If you haven’t made a jobseeker profile, you will be guided through the process of creating one. You just need to do is provide your name, birthday, mobile number, address, and top three skills.
Check Status
When you’ve applied to jobs and you want to check on the status of your applications, the Chatbot will let you know whether you have been shortlisted, hired, or declined for each of your applications. If your status is still “applied”, it only means that the company still has to review your application - so don’t worry!

According to's founder, Joel Garcia, "Filipinos are spending more and more time on social media and messaging apps. So we thought, why not make available on these familiar platforms and make the jobs become more accessible to the jobseekers." Data shows that there are a total of 47 million monthly Facebook users in the Philippines and that Filipinos spend an average of 4 hours and 17 minutes per day on social media.
If you’re starting a career this year or thinking about shifting jobs, let our Chatbot do the hard work and bring you the jobs that are you’re looking for. You can also create a Job Seeker profile on and browse for jobs there. No matter who you are and whether you choose to find jobs through the Chatbot or through our website, we want to help you find a job that you will love. So go ahead and send us a message whenever you want and we will be ready, at your service.
JANUARY 05, 2018