MAY 24, 2018

So you’ve scored an hour for that elusive job interview with the company you’ve been waiting to hear from for the past three weeks. The question is, are you prepared?
Before anything, there are some important things you need to know about the company you’re applying to for your job interview preparation process. It isn’t that hard but will take a little bit of time. Are you ready to do some research?
Here are 5 things you need to know about the company in order to be fully prepared for your job interview.
What They Do
This is first and foremost - and really quite obvious. There’s nothing worse than going into a job interview and not having a response to the question, “So, do you have an idea about what we do?”While some recruiters may not mind or may not even ask you this question, others will scoff at your lack of knowledge and take it as lack of preparation, which is a very bad sign. Better to be on the safe side. All it takes is a quick Google search or use social media to do a background check.
At the very least, you need to at least know what it is the company does so you know what to expect. This can help you check if the company you’re looking at aligns with your own career goals. Is what they do something you want to do as well? If not, look elsewhere.

Why They Do What They Do
If the “what” speaks to your career goals, the “why” speaks to your advocacies - your beliefs. The whys show the company’s mission and their drive behind what they do. Incorporating this mission into why you want to work there will help you get on the same page with your interviewer and make things clear for the both of you. If you distinctly know their mission and express it’s alignment to yours, that’s already a step closer to getting that “yes”.
Culture and Office Environment
When things get tough at work, the culture and office environment can help uplift your spirits. This point is an important one - especially with younger employees (aka Millennials and upcoming fresh meat Gen Zs) since a lot end up leaving due to a mismatch in culture and a disappointing office environment. It’s vital that you learn as much as you can about a company and asses if it truly fits your preferences and personality.Is it a modern workplace that has beanbags, standing tables, and other unconventional workstations that you know you can work best and most creatively in? Or do you prefer cubicles and traditional working desks that help you focus and be organized? Do you enjoy a bottle of beer at the end of the workday and does the company you’re applying to have a beer ref you can dig into? Or are you looking for learning sessions and seminars to help develop your skills and does the company offer that? These and many more are the things you need to look for.
You can follow the company on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even LinkedIn to get a peak of what it’s like working in the company. Chances are you’ll find enough information you’ll need there, giving you a good indication of whether or not you’ll fit in the company.

Getting to know the milestones and achievements of a company is a useful way to determine where they’re headed in the future. This is especially true for startups. Knowing if they landed the next round of funding, if they’ve been acquired by a larger corporation, or if they’re still in the early stages of development are important - not just show your interviewer you know the company’s background and what’s going on with them, but also to help you make a better decision.Check out news sites like Google News ( and search for the company or industry to see what’s going on or visit the company page. They most likely have a news section where you can learn more.

Competitors, Challenges, and Room For Growth
Finally, before you go on that job interview, you should have at least a basic understanding of the company’s competitors and their position in the market. Every business has competition and your interviewer is most likely trying to asses what you can contribute in terms of improving the company’s positioning in the market and eliminating the competition.Demonstrate interest by asking questions about their market position and relate it to other competing brands - this will show that you’ve come prepared and are ready to rock and roll.
Another way to help you appear thoughtful and well-prepared is by knowing their challenges. You need to be able to relate to their problems and expresas how you would love the opportunity to turn them into opportunities. If you can give concrete solutions and lay out a game plan, go ahead. This will show your interviewer your initiative to do your research and your ability to think critically about how the company can push further forward in the future.
MAY 24, 2018