Technical Writer
Technical writers research and write specialized materials such as technical documents, journal articles, release notes, and instruction manuals.

Also Called
Technical writers research and write specialized materials such as technical documents, journal articles, release notes, and instruction manuals. Other documents they may create include user guides, integration guides, API developer guides, installation/configuration instructions, and system operations.
They also develop, gather, and disseminate technical information among clients, users, designers, and developers. Technical Writers usually collaborate with developers, quality engineers, product managers, and usability experts.
0 to 2 years experience
P30,000 - P40,000
(median: P0)
- 30000
- 40000
3 to 5 years experience
P40,000 - P70,000
(median: P0)
- 40000
- 70000
6 to 10 years experience
P65,000 - P100,000
(median: P0)
- 65000
- 100000
More than 10 years
P85,000 - P150,000
(median: P0)
- 85000
- 150000
Prior writing experience, an understanding of publishing and document control, good organizational skills, and high attention to detail. Technical writers may also be tasked with formulating and revising templates as well as creating diagrams and sketches.
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